Learn to Create Two New Fun Printables That Sell Like Crazy... and with Little Competition

Looking to sell different printables than everyone else?

“Oh my Goodness! I just want to be able to create some fun new printables that actually SELL, but without all the major competition to fight against, without all the endless hours and hours of research, and to have something that people actually WANT and will PAY MORE FOR!”

Does that sound like you?

I’ve held a workshop that shows you how to profit with TWO fun new printables… in more ways than you expected.

Want in?  Keep reading how you can join (while the price is discounted).

We''ll cover:

  • What these two printables are and what makes them so interesting (and in demand)
  • What types of these products are wildly profitable... but most think it's too difficult to create (= less competition!)
  • How to create these quickly and easily in just a few hours, AND ready to sell in a few different ways

Look, I get it. You're probably thinking...

"There are SO many printables out there, and I'm already struggling... why should I take these ideas and run with them?? Isn't there already a ton of competition? And are they even going to be unique enough??"

Well let me tell you.... these two ideas have lots of buyers and people searching for them.

Doubt me?

Join us on the workshop replay and you'll see exactly how you can create and sell these REGULARLY.

What's super fun about both of these, is they BOTH can fit at ANY time of year.

  • Create them for summer themes
  • Create them for kids in school
  • Create them for toddlers!
  • Create them for Adults with specific themes
  • Create them for virtually ANY holiday or other theme (Oh my goodness, think vacations, camping, even a DAYCARE can use these!)
  • Create them for parties!

The ideas are endless for BOTH of these printables...

and YES they fit both kids AND adults.

I can assure you, NO ONE (that I'm aware of) has talked about EITHER of these printable types. At least not in my circles, and I watch and read a lot.

But I came across the ideas when I was searching for some things of my own on these two topics.

And a lightbulb went off.

At this workshop, I’m going to show you these two types of printables (and how to create/sell them), that have resulted in over $19,313* in sales on ONE specific type alone.

Yes, they can be done as printables, as physical products, or on Amazon KDP - they are great sellers in each of those places.

You will learn exactly how to get a quick win with these products – in fact, you could be releasing yours within just a few hours after the workshop.

*Disclaimer: obviously we cannot promise how much money you will make with these concepts. It is entirely up to you to implement and get them up for sale. We are simply showing you the possibilities and real life examples.*

Is it too late to start with these ideas now?

Not at all! The truth is, these sell ALL year, as I showed above.

AND, what's even better, there's MINIMAL competition!

Want proof?

When I searched on Etsy:

Printable Idea #1 has ONLY 699 results, INCLUDING ads! (And several listings were from the same seller ... meaning, they're selling!)

Printable Idea #2 has 1,111 results (with ads) on Etsy - but also with some of the same sellers.

Here's real sale examples from these on Etsy (Printables idea 1 is in black, printables idea 2 is in blue). 

Obviously I blocked out the seller's names and the products for privacy purposes, however the sales and price points are all real.

But what about Amazon?

When I searched on Amazon:

Printable Idea #1 has only 1,125 results! With an average price of $18.56...

Printable Idea #2 has only 581 results! With an average price of $22.01!

And both of these examples are selling on average, 15-19 copies PER DAY on Amazon KDP!

Printable idea 1 - has a keyword niche score of 65, with 1125 results.

Printable idea 2 - has a keyword niche score of 72! With 581 results!

But not only that... take a look at the sales these both get:

As you can see, these are both popular. (And these two with the BSR ranks, they were NOT sponsored listings, I scrolled down to be fair).

Listing 1 is selling at:  $9.49 - it has a profit of about $3.59 each! That's roughly $53 a day.

Listing 2 is selling at: $14 - it has a profit of about $6.25 each! That's roughly $118 a day.

But why am I giving these to you? Why am I not keeping it to myself?

To be honest, I don't have a whole lot of extra time in my days as I've already got a lot of other stuff planned.

I'm not saying I "won't" do them... I probably will eventually, but I have other priorities first. And as you can see by the numbers, there's LOTS of room for more than one of us to do it. Plus I already have my ideas to work with. I just can't do everything, so why not share and let you create and sell them as well?

The fact is, with this workshop, you'll have the ideas and the help  for you to get going RIGHT AWAY to profit as people do their searches.

What is the refund policy? Because this is a workshop, there are no refunds.

The nitty gritty details:

The workshop is available as an instant download! It was already held, but that's ok - you can still access it right away, NO waiting.

Get your early bird pricing NOW, while it’s available, because the price WILL rise. 

Are there any upsells?

There is one and it is entirely optional. It is for a 'quick start' template bundle, which will be delivered immediately if you choose it.

Get your early bird pricing NOW.

CRITICAL NOTE: If you pay by credit card, you WILL be required to enter your address and phone number.

I assure you we DO NOT use it for any purposes except for processing the order.

This is to prevent fraudulent orders and is in fact,
for your protection (and that of the card holders). 

What happens after you purchase?

You will be taken to a registration page so you can watch the replay immediately.

**Additionally you will be added to a private email list so that we can email you all of the info to register for the updates. Please make sure you confirm that (check junk folders).

We NEVER spam, in fact I don't even email on a daily basis, so you can be assured you won't get endless emails from me.

Join now before the price increases!

Amber Jalink

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